Dreamway Handbag Fty, which is specialize in various handbags for 10 years, such as real leather bags, PU bags,canvas bags and so on. We also make some accessories-belts.Besides, we can make and develop customer design for we have professional team and rich experience.
If you have your own design needed to be developed, pls kindly adv us, we'll try our best to meet your need.
Pls feel free to contact us for info or any idea or problem.
Company: |
Guangzhou Dreamway Handbag Fty
Contact: |
Ms. Wu Vicky |
Address: |
the Mid Hall of 5th Floor,Baiyun Science&Technology,No. 26-1 YunHe North Street, the Xianlie Mid-Road, Yuexiu Distict, Guangzhou |
Postcode: |
Tel: |
28669663 |
Fax: |
28669663 |
E-mail: |